Thursday, March 10, 2016

Food Drive Thank you March 6, 2016

The St. Vincent Service Committee would like to thank all the parishioners who contributed to our Lenten Food Drive. In all you donated 597 bags of food and personal goods. 
         This project took so many of you to complete starting with Mrs. Lemke's sixth grade class who prepared the grocery bags, those who handed out the bags at all Masses, those who carried the bags to the gym, and those who took the time to deliver the food and paper goods to Foundations Preschool, HOPE Center and Catholic Social Services Northside Pantry. Our sister parish, Corpus Christi, came from Detroit to collect over 100 bags to help feed their neighborhood. 
           Each of the recipient organizations sends a personal thank you to St. Francis parishioners for shopping and donating to its pantry. 
         Our Committee extends a special continued thank you to Busch's Valu Land on Main Street for contributing the bags.

Also, special thanks to our drive coordinator Mary Hayden & our St. Vincent Service Committee members, and all who helped:

Jane Antosiak, Zach Bixby, Ella Bozzi, Cynthia Carnevale, Timothy Cheek, Goayang Chen, Barb & Dick Dehn, Kathleen Downer, Andrea Elliott, Bethany Faber, Glen & Christine Feak, Meg Fitzpatrick, John Fleszar, Allison Gaines, Kathy Gaines, Vicki Hatch, Mary Hayden, Kieran Heung, Chris Kempton Family, Donna Krukowski, Tsumugi Nogi, Sophia, Ava, Larson & Joe Okros, Megan Parada, Donna Pezda, Joan Podell, Marianne & Tom Powell, Ed & Annie Scott, Jim Sheldon, Sharon Sheldon, Charles Stankovic, Joe Targett, Kelsey Walworth, Ella Wasielewski, Alexander Wehr, Jim Wiseman, Linda Wiseman, & Carol Wisner, Jack Wisner & Ed and Sharon Wright. Thanks to you, and thanks to all of those who shopped and donated the groceries, we delivered about 597 bags of groceries to:

Foundations:      149 bags
Northside:           148 bags
HOPE:                150 bags
Corpus Christi     107 bags
Total                     554 bags, but, we think the following Mass time count ...
           ... total of 597 bags is more accurate.

Sat.       5:00       91 bags
Sun.      7:00       58 bags
              8:30      95 bags
            10:30     131 bags
            12:30     104 bags
              5:00       87 bags
MISC.                  31 bags
Total                  597 bags

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