Friday, February 19, 2016

Pictures from St. Joseph's Dormitory

Lenten Greetings and Update with photos from Sr. Agnes, on the St. Joseph Dormitory Kakamega Kenya 2/2016, as St. Francis Parish anticipates our second scheduled special collection for the St. Joseph Dormitory in MAY 2016.

It is now the dry season in Kakamega, Kenya. The St. Joseph Dormitory construction , that St. Francis Parish has helped support is making progress. These most recent pictures show nearing completion of the first floor. Our special collection in May will help with structural finishing touches and building of bunk beds inside the structure. Watch for more information and pictures as this shelter of love and safety is being built.

The orphan and vulnerable children served by this dormitory on the ground of St. Joseph School  are seen in these pictures. Sr. Agnes and the Sisters of Mary of Kakamega continue to hold the St. Francis Community in prayer and feel very connected in this Lenten period of the year of Mercy.

Sr. Agnes in Kenya (Past Updates)
St. Francis Parish intends to assist the building of a new dormitory - the Dormitory at St. Joseph Academy - Primary School, in Kakamega, Kenya, with Sr. Agnes Khati of the Sisters of Mary of  Kakamenga, Kenya.  
For more information on this effort, see FAQs   ~~~   St. Joseph Academy - dormitory floor plan    ~~~    Kenya map   ~~~   FACEBOOK    ~~~  contact Mary Wakefield at 734-973-6113 for information on how to contribute.  

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