Tuesday, January 14, 2014

MLK Mass & Dinner Sunday, January 19th, 2014

Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration 
Sunday, January 19th, 2014, at 5pm Mass with choirs & dinner at St. Francis Parish, Ann Arbor, with our sister parish in Detroit.

THANK YOU for MLK Mass, Choirs & Dinner!!
On Sunday, January 19th, 2014, our St. Francis community again honored Dr. King at weekend masses before the national holiday set aside to recognize his efforts to use the tools of non-violence to bring peace and justice to all people.  His positions reflect much of our own Catholic Social Teaching.  The 5 PM Sunday mass featured our talented Contemporary Choir, under the leadership of Carol Fedewa, joined by members of the Corpus Christi Choir (our sister parish), under the leadership of Michelle Baines.  The combined choirs bring a vitality and energy in honoring Dr. King.

After a joyous, song-filled service, all were invited to a delicious dinner catered by Cecie & John Miller.  In the interest of being more sustainable, we fed almost 80 guests using "real" dishes and utensils.  Thanks to all who participated and served at this event.  Also, thanks to Andy Comai & Kevin McKay and all the volunteers who lent a hand to help with the dishes -- "many hands make light work"!  And, thanks to Wendy Lemke for doing all the real-cloth-tablecloth laundry.  We are proud to have avoided using and throwing away all those disposable plates, cups, and utensils!

Thanks to all who work to bring justice & peace into our community!  We especially thank Michelle Baines & Carol Fedewa & our Choirs.   We thank all who helped: Dick Brown, Andrew Comai, Katie DeBona, Patrice Deutschmann, Ray Digby, Jeannette East, Victoria Emch, Mark Gawronski, Mary Hayden, Julie Hurley, Julia Jackowski, MaryLou Kellermann, Wendy Lemke, Ernestine McGlynn, Kevin McKay, John Miller, Chris Mollo, Cathy Pietrasiuk, Jim Russo, Maya Savarino, John Schwarz, Sharon Sheldon, Ann Skonecki, Autumn Smith, Tricia Suttmann, Sharon Walker, Linda Wiseman, Sharon & Ed Wright, Elizabeth, Julia, Karol, Miriam, Kasia & Scott Wright, and Patti & Charles Yonka.
Join us each year: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050F4BAEAF29AB9-martin

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